Zero marks to zero calorie cold drink


Oh! I am watching my weight. I’ll have a diet cold drink.

My kid was asking for cold drink and I couldn’t say no to him, so I gave him a diet cold drink.

One large burger, one large fries and one diet cold drink please!

-          said by everyone, everyday


A normal 300 ml cold drink contains approx. 120 calories with 40 gm of sugar while a diet cold drink contains zero calorie with zero sugar and offer the same taste. No wonder, anyone would choose a diet cold drink (also called zero calorie or low-calorie cold drink) over conventional cold drink. But, don’t you smell something fishy! How come something is sweet without having sugar? Simply because it has another kind of sweetener known as artificial sweetener. While sugar is a plant-based product, these artificial sweeteners are chemicals and most commonly used ones are Aspartame and Acesulfame K.


Artificial sweetener – they don’t have calories but definitely consequences!


The Aspartame and Acesulfame K are 200 times sweeter than sugar, thus, they are added in very minute quantities and when replaced with sugar they offer no calories. They were considered revolutionary products for obese and diabetic patients, but long-term researches have shown that they have contrary effect. They both are used in conjunction, to offer better aftertaste. They are believed to be carcinogenic and other side-effects include headaches, dizziness, seizures, depression and hyperactivity disorder.


5 reasons why you should not consume diet cold drinks 

1. They are a house to number of diseases –


 As opposed to the marketing strategy for being a healthy option, consumption of diet cold drinks (with artificial sweeteners) on long term basis have shown increase in waist circumference, overweight, increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, onset of cardiovascular diseases, dental carries, depression and worst cases cancer. 

2. They contain caffeine


Caffeine in carbonated drink is more readily absorbed than any other drink. Caffeine enhances the mental and physical performance, improve alertness, and concentration. Caffeine disturbs sleep by stimulating nervous system. It also makes PMS syndrome worse, causes dehydration and induces stomach to produce acids, aggravating hyperacidity. Although moderate consumption of caffeine can be tolerated by most healthy people, studies showed that its high consumption has been associated with adverse effects on health including anxiety, restlessness, aggression, headaches, and depression. A prolonged exposure to high intakes of caffeine, levels greater than 500–600 mg a day, can result in chronic toxicity leading to nervousness, nausea, vomiting, seizures and cardiovascular symptoms in severe cases.

 3. They have artificial colors


Since, the whole diet cold drink is a chemical product, the colors used in them are also chemicals. Caramel color is added to many soft drinks and some foods to turn them brown, may sound harmless, even appetizing. But in no way does it resemble real caramel. Some types of this artificial coloring contain a potentially carcinogenic chemical which leads to different types of cancers.

 4. They do not have any nutritive value


Diet cold drink mainly contain water, caffeine and artificial sweetener and they have zero nutritive value. The main reason for consuming diet cold drink (or conventional cold drink) is basically to raise the energy level in the body. The sweetness in cold drinks spike the blood sugar level. Research have shown that, increase in intake of diet cold drinks have reduced the consumption of milk and other nutritive drinks, causing double the losses. This is a major cause of worry in growing children as they need nutritive food to promote physical growth and better brain functioning. High intake of carbonated soft drinks during adolescence was significantly associated with reduced bone mineral density among kids aged 12 and 15 years. 

5. They have high sodium level


Approximately, a 300 ml of diet cold drink contains 40 mg of sodium. In general, 90% of sodium intake is from salt and rest is from natural food. These drinks add to the level of sodium in our body. High sodium level has been shown to produce a significant increase in blood pressure and the onset of hypertension and cardiovascular morbidity. High blood pressure also leads to increased calcium loss and it is detectable in children and young people and continue throughout adult life. High sodium levels in blood have shown relation with kidney stones, stomach cancer, cataract and may aggravate asthma. Thus, people with high blood pressure should not consume diet cold drinks.

 The better alternatives

 1. Fresh water


Water is an important nutrient for our body. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids important for carrying out digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. Substituting water for higher calorie beverages can certainly help in controlling calories and weight loss. Water also helps in transporting oxygen and nutrients to the brain for optimal mental function. It also helps in preventing constipation and kidney stones. You can infuse water with fresh fruits and vegetables to improve its taste and increase vitamin content.

 2. Coconut water


Coconut water is highly valued for its nutritional and therapeutic properties. It is light, low-calorie and nearly fat-free, as well as low in sugar but pleasantly sweet—contains about a fifth of the sugar of other fruit juices. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. It is a rich source of electrolytes and natural salts, especially potassium and magnesium and can be used to prevent dehydration from strenuous exercise, vomiting, or diarrhea. Coconut water contains 295 mg of potassium, which is 15 times the amount in the average sports drink, required for muscle functioning.

 3. Buttermilk


Buttermilk is an excellent source of protein, which your body needs to build healthy muscles, skin, and bones. It can give you more energy. The riboflavin in buttermilk is a B vitamin that is vital for your body’s energy production systems. The buttermilk act as probiotic and make your gut healthier. Buttermilk is also an excellent source of calcium. Calcium is not only important to your body’s bone structures, but also critical to maintaining signaling systems in your blood. It can help keep your cholesterol levels healthy. Studies have shown that a small amount of buttermilk each day can help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people with high cholesterol levels.

 4. Fresh fruit juices


They provide overall protective health benefits and different fruit juices have different benefits such as, orange juice would reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, cranberry juice prevents urinary tract infections, pomegranate juice may clear clogged arteries and grape juice lowers risk of blood clots. They almost have 90% of water and helps in preventing dehydration and lowers blood pressure. They are store house of essential vitamins and minerals and helps in meeting the daily recommended intake.

 5. Traditional drinks such as fresh lime drink, aam panna, chana sattu drink, kokum juice, rasam etc


Each region has its own native traditional drink based on the staple that grow there. They vary from season to season and in each state, there is a new variation. They are an important part of local diet and provide health benefits. Such as kokum which is a delicacy in Maharashtra, helps in improving intestinal health and is a store house of various vitamins. Rasam that is drink from south India is made from local spices and it aids in digestion. Similarly, sattu drink made from powdered chana (Bengal Gram) dal is high in protein and good for digestion and controlling blood pressure. These drinks are high in nutrients unlike non-nutritive diet cold drinks.

 Take home message

 It is wise to choose nutritious healthy alternate drinks over the non-nutritive diet cold drinks. Do not offer diet cold drinks to your kids, no matter how much tantrums they throw. Limit the use of these drinks by yourself and set an example for your kids. Inculcate good eating habits and give these alternate drinks, the place they deserve in your lifestyle. Last but not the least, when you see words such as ‘diet’, ‘light’, ‘zero’ etc on the food pack, raise your eyebrows. Do not fall prey to the marketing gimmicks of these corporate brands and protect the health of yours and your loved ones.

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